Making mistakes to a certain extent is unavoidable in life and in copy. And we could argue that making mistakes is actually a good thing. Often they teach us valuable lessons and set us on the right path. But, who wouldn’t want to avoid some mistakes all together if they could; especially in copy. […]
Believe or not, I’ve worked with companies in the past who thought they didn’t need social media to market their brand or share their brand story. Scary, right? If you’re one of those people, don’t click out just yet! They didn’t think they needed one of the most powerful digital marketing tools because they weren’t […]
Every day, multiple times a day, I come across brands on social media and websites that lose me within seconds of viewing their profile. Their branding is beautiful, their user experience is awesome, copy looks great, everything is spot on but something is missing… I’m not hooked. Why? There’s no story that’s compelling me to […]